Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Recital Weekend

Claire jumping in
Brent swimming

Claire with Grandma and Grandpa after the show

Scott's parents came in town last weekend for Claire's dance recital. She did a great job!! We had a fun busy day. The kids talked grandma and grandpa into going to the pool to see them swim even though it was in the 70's. Then we went to the movies to see Night of the Museum 2 which the kids liked. Then I came home to do Claire's hair and make-up and get her ready for the recital. We had to wake all the kids up on Sunday morning for church. It's weekends like this that we wish we had church just a little later.

Nile is in cubscout day camp this week. He survived a little ran yesterday. His baseball game got canceled because of the lightening. Claire and Brent started swim lessons yesterday. Brent screamed for the first little bit which is surprising because he loves the pool. He has to go everyday to feel like his day is complete. Hopefully, it will go better today.


Anonymous said...

Wow your days sound like my girls days with all the activities!!!

Nile, Bailey and William are having cub camp in NH in July so you will have to call and tell them how it is. Claire, you look beautiful as always with the fancy hair and make-up. It was so nice that your grandma and grandpa Maddox could come and see you. Your Nana is still really sick. Now Brent, there is no crying in baseball or swimming so give your mom a break. You're a doll so I know you'll help her out.
Carolyn, I never heard abt your run...you need to post something abt it on our family blog. You will inspire us all.

Have a great summer and we'll see you the end of July.

aunt Sue

Shannon said...

Hi guys! It looks like you are having a fun summer. We miss you.